Summarizing Annual Highlights with an End of Year Infographic
Engage Staff with Program Data through a Data Party
Improving the Accuracy of Home Visitors’ Timesheets by Analyzing Home Visiting Reports
How do I tailor recruitment strategies to eligible families?
How can we measure our performance on compliance items?
Program Management, All, Children w/ Disabilities, DRS and CLASS, Education & Child Dev., ERSEA, Family & Community Engag., Health, Human Resources, Pregnant WomenVictoria JonesExcel, ChildPlus
Is each of our classrooms meeting our health and safety requirements?
How can we disaggregate summary data to assist children and families more holistically?
How can we meet distance learning needs during COVID-19?
How can we support families’ needs during the Covid-19 crisis?
How can we improve recruitment and enrollment?
What are the most common reasons for absence?
How do our teachers’ CLASS scores compare the national average?
How do we use child assessment data to conduct ongoing assessment of program goals?
How does our state’s program schedule compare nationally?
What is the composition and turnover of our program staff?
Is our new onboarding process decreasing teacher turnover rates?
Are we consistently identifying and serving homeless families?
How can child assessment data support the transition from Head Start to kindergarten?
How do maternal health factor trends inform programming?
Do our teachers implement our curriculum with fidelity?