How do we use child assessment data to conduct ongoing assessment of program goals?


The Head Start Performance Standards 1302.102 (a,b) state that each program must “establish goals and measurable objectives” that include school readiness goals and “effectively oversee progress towards program goals on an ongoing basis.”


Using the Cognitive ToyBox platform, administrators can set school readiness goals and use the CTB Goal Tracker to continuously monitor program goals in every developmental domain. Viewing aggregate child assessment data in the CTB Goal Tracker, administrators can easily identify centers that are meeting or exceeding program goals, e.g., kindergarten readiness (see figure), as well as those that have yet to reach them. Administrators can then develop and implement plans to address their program’s specific needs.


In this case, the administrator from NYC Head Start can easily identify that two centers do not appear to be meeting the program’s kindergarten readiness goals and use this as a starting point to understand how to better support them.

Additional details

Audience: Leadership, management

Level of Analysis: Center

Difficulty: Basic

Content Area: Education and Child Development, Program Management

Data Sources: Cognitive ToyBox

Considerations/Caveats: This report is designed to provide programs with one source of information to understand school readiness. This chart can be used in conjunction with other sources of data to understand how to improve progress towards program goals. This report should be used solely to guide improvement towards program goals. It should not be used with stakes or for accountability purposes for individual centers punish centers or classrooms that are in need of strengthening.

Technical Appendix

This report is created directly in the Cognitive ToyBox platform.

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