How does our state’s program schedule compare nationally?


The Indiana Head Start State Collaboration Office contracted with Transform Consulting Group (TCG) to complete their Annual Needs Assessments. To help create a benchmark and compare Indiana to other states, TCG pulled national data from the Program Information Report (PIR).

In the 2018 Indiana Early Head Start and Head Start Needs Assessment Report, a comparison was drawn that Indiana serves nearly half as many children in full-day, center-based slots five days per week compared to Head Start programs across the country. The majority of children in Indiana were being served in part-day center-based programs only four days per week.


TCG looked at the center-based program schedule breakdown in the PIR to understand how many children were being served in full-day programs five days per week. They identified what percentage of center-based, Head Start students in Indiana participated in each program schedule. Then, they compared this to the percentage of all other students nationally.


Indiana saw that their center-based enrollment for full-day five days a week was at 28%, while the national average was 57%. The state set a goal to increase the number of children being served in full-day, center-based care five days a week. 

TCG conducted this same analysis the following year and saw a marked change. Indiana has now increased center-based enrollment for full-day programs five days a week to almost double: 47%, which is much closer to the national average.

Additional details

Audience: Leadership

Level of Analysis: State

Difficulty: Moderate

Content Area: Program Management

Data Sources: Excel

Considerations/Caveats: A similar analysis could be done to compare a single program’s data to the state average or to the national average.

Technical Appendix

For Indiana or local programs within the state, the center-based schedule breakdown can be easily found on the PIR Snapshot document with the table titled, “Detail - Center-based Funded Enrollment”. The percentage of enrollment based on schedule type (4 full days, 4 part days, 5 full days, or 5 part days) totals to 100%, so the Indiana Needs Assessment features a donut chart to represent the schedule portions. Portions allow for a quick visual comparison to see how Indiana and the national center-based schedules differ.

This template can be downloaded to make creating this for your state easily. Note: This template currently uses 2019 PIR data across all program types and states and may need to be edited for your use.

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