How can we meet distance learning needs during COVID-19?


At the end of the 19-20 program year, Head Start for Kent County (HS4KC) wanted to understand how to strengthen the implementation of their distance learning plan during COVID-19 for the coming fall. HS4KC surveyed families and teaching staff at the end of the program year in order to gather large amounts of information relatively quickly and to help navigate through these unprecedented times.

In order to develop a high-quality distance learning plan, HS4KC formed workgroups made up of direct staff and site supervisors, and each workgroup focused on one specific area. The areas were: preschool summer programming, fall programming, Early Head Start programming, and the use of technology.

The survey feedback from families and teaching staff served as one of several key data sources that the workgroups used.


HS4KC surveyed teaching staff and families at the end of the 19-20 program year to receive feedback on the implementation of the distance learning plan (see Technical Appendix to see survey.) The survey was distributed electronically with links sent to families via ChildPlus. All information was reviewed, numbers were calculated, and responses were graphed in Excel. The visualization provided a snapshot that allowed staff to view and compare the responses of families and teaching staff in one place. Response rates were calculated for both families and staff.


The visualization helped staff to quickly identify strengths and areas of continuous improvement. The family and staff responses regarding the most beneficial types of distance learning were compared and found to be similar.


Staff used these results and other data sources to inform planning and to incorporate lessons learned for future programming. Currently, summer programming is in effect and the refined distance learning plan is being implemented. The agency is developing future plans to loan iPads to families who are unable to participate due to lack of technology.


HS4KC learned from reviewing the survey responses that subsequent surveys may need to be modified in order to collect more detailed information. For example, HS4KC intends to replace the yes/no questions with a rating scale and to remove the “comment box” for each question.

Additional details

Audience: Leadership, management

Level of Analysis: Grantee

Difficulty: Moderate

Content Area: Program Management, Education and Child Development

Data Sources: DataSay

Considerations and Caveats: The survey was designed locally and developed to provide the agency with more information on a relatively new topic. Surveys may not always be the most reliable source of data and the survey response rate should be considered. It is important to use multiple data sources to inform next steps.

Technical Appendix

The graphs shared here represent a sample of the survey questions. You can see the Family Survey here and the Staff Survey here.

Creating Graphs in Excel:

  • Family & Staff Responses to Distance Learning Implementation: 100% stacked bar graph

  • Most Beneficial Types of Distance Learning: Clustered bar graph using cumulative number of responses as the divisor as respondents were able to select more than one option.